Sunday 1 November 2009

Past and Current Artists and Works

For this chapter I will be looking at Girl Chewing Gum (John Smith), Doll Face (Andy Huang) and MUTO: A Wall Painted Animation (Blu). All are obviously experimental videos, but the concept, craft and place in time that the videos were created set them apart from eachother completely.
MUTO is a stop frame animated piece. In each frame, Blu (the graffitti artist) changes his graffitti by, for example, moving the creature he has created forward a little. He then put the frames together in sequence to create the effect of the graffitti having a mind of it's own, and moving. MUTO is more of an "underground" piece, compared to Doll Face. This is because it's theme is something which is, coincidentally, underground - grafitti. Doll Face however, is heavily animated and futuristic in it's theme.
Looking at the concept of each piece, only one of the videos express a heavy concept - Doll Face. Girl Chewing Gum and MUTO are more craft oriented.

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