Monday, 12 October 2009

Stop Frame Animation

Stop frame animation is an animation technique. The object in the frame is manipulated a little in each photograph. The photograph's are then put together in sequence to give the appearance of motion. The animation to the left is an example of stop frame animation. A two pence (sterling) is moved strategically across the table.

It is best to use a tripod for stop frame animation. This makes the resulting sequence look much more smooth and natural. Notice how the angle of view is a bit shaky in the above example. This is because a tripod was not utilized.

Using stop frame animation, I created the below example. The subject is seen buying a beverage from a vending machine. The subject then drinks the beverage. To save time, the subject was only photographed until he took a sip from the can. This was then reversed and repeated to give the effect of multiple sips from the can, without actually having the subject do so.

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